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1 shutdown  Tue, May 3, 2011 11:52:05am

Locker, i heard an analysis yesterday that brought me a bit closer to your position on the diversion of resources to the Iraq war harming the search for bin Laden. It was interesting, and made me realize that you can only spend each dollar once, and was spent on Iraq was not spent on other efforts.

2 Locker  Tue, May 3, 2011 11:55:48am

re: #1 imp_62

Classy. Ups to you man.

3 barry123  Tue, May 3, 2011 11:58:31am

On April 29, 2003, George W. Bush announced that he had agreed to Osama bin Laden’s diktat, and ordered the witdrawal of U. S. forces from Saudia Arabia.

This was the first U. S. surrender to a foreign diktat since Corregidor in May 6, 1942.

No wonder his main supporters include an obese, impotent, draft dodger.

4 Randy W. Weeks  Tue, May 3, 2011 12:50:45pm

And yet the right is painting OBL’s death as Bush’s victory.

5 Political Atheist  Tue, May 3, 2011 12:52:20pm

Think Progress really got this wrong. Given the invasion of Afghanistan, the teams working to find Bin Laden right from 2001, all the efforts put in place… Why would Bush need to keep thinking about him? Make your plans, send the troops, set the plan in motion and then move on to run the country, not sit around all day obsessing on Osama. It’s just a severe critics skewed view.

6 Locker  Tue, May 3, 2011 12:52:53pm

re: #3 barry123

What the fuck are you talking about?

7 Locker  Tue, May 3, 2011 12:55:22pm

re: #5 Rightwingconspirator

Think Progress really got this wrong. Given the invasion of Afghanistan, the teams working to find Bin Laden right from 2001, all the efforts put in place… Why would Bush need to keep thinking about him? Make your plans, send the troops, set the plan in motion and then move on to run the country, not sit around all day obsessing on Osama. It’s just a severe critics skewed view.

Yours seems extremely skewed the other way. You imply that Bush is being criticized for nothing thinking solely about bin Laden instead of running the country when you know that’s not the case and it’s not what’s being said.

8 Political Atheist  Tue, May 3, 2011 1:17:31pm

re: #7 Locker

I’ll try again.
The critics simply can not have this both ways. According to the critics-He both went overboard trying to get him, (as in waterboardings, renditions, secret prisons, spec ops teams) or he did not try hard enough as implied above.

9 Locker  Tue, May 3, 2011 1:27:14pm

re: #8 rightwingconspirator

I’ll try again.
The critics simply can not have this both ways. According to the critics-He both went overboard trying to get him, (as in waterboardings, renditions, secret prisons, spec ops teams) or he did not try hard enough as implied above.

The point of the article isn’t to bash Bush, in my opinion. It’s a counter to all the wingers and baggers who are thanking Bush and giving him the credit will ignoring Mr Obama.

I also think your “opposite ends” example isn’t accurate. Basic complaints against water boarding, torture and secret prisons aren’t because they were “overboard efforts to catch bin Laden” but because the critics find the techniques and ideas to be morally wrong, under ANY circumstances.

10 windsagio  Wed, May 4, 2011 2:12:13pm

Yeah, the human mind is weird. They put all this torture crap in relatively early, and then had to defend it (who would want to think of themselves as monsters? And that’s not counting the criminal element).

But Bush himself famously said that finding Bin Laden wasn’t a priority any more and he didn’t think about it much. Yeah, he’s a president known for saying crazy things but still. That combined with the fact that the next Pres DID get him is telling.

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